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THIS is what I want for Christmas!

Katharine Jefferts Schori Ecumenical Mug

-- referring to this fine interview with the Episcopal Presiding Bishop, Her Sensitiveness Katharine Jefferts Schori , which I saw at Amy Welborn's:

How many members of the Episcopal Church are there in this country?

About 2.2 million. It used to be larger percentagewise, but Episcopalians tend to be better-educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children.

Episcopalians aren’t interested in replenishing their ranks by having children?

No. It’s probably the opposite. We encourage people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not use more than their portion.

Awesome. And since I'm one of those under-educated selfish Catholic child-producers, make that the LARGE mug.

And then let's get some snacks and sit back and see what Pansy does with this.


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Isn't it just the bees' knees?
I'm currently sending out cyber-hints to all the kids that I so selfishly spawned... :)

Did you read the full interview with this woman?

You can’t blame the Haggard case on the culture or the media. It isn’t a story about sex so much as the disturbing hypocrisy of a church leader.

But we’re all hypocrites. All of us.

You’re very forgiving.

I like the word “shalom.� I use it in my correspondence, I use it in my sermons, and that’s how I sign my e-mails — “shalom.� To me it is a concrete reminder of what it is we’re all supposed to be about.

I had more criticisms about the quoted excerpt, but then I read the full interview. It reads just like Oprah interviewing Whitney Houston right before she went to rehab.

What baffles me is how this woman got elected to be head of her Nebraska chapter of the Barbra Streisand fan club, let alone to be the head of a Christian denomination.

What baffles me is how this woman got elected to be head of her Nebraska chapter of the Barbra Streisand fan club, let alone to be the head of a Christian denomination.

Because it is the episcopagans. There is nothing too low for them, although they get touchy if you believe in anything. I hear that's why they kicked Matty Fox out.

Funny she should mention her parents being catholic and leaving the faith because they wanted to go somewhere where they could be encouraged, not discouraged to whatever it was, make a difference, or something... I happen to know a few Anglicans who have left their church for the Catholic CHurch because of the direction their church is taking.

Bishop Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,
And doesn’t know where to find them,
For, in their pride, when they up and died,
They left no children behind them.

Bishop Bo-Peep holds offspring cheap,
Compared with a good education.
Those with PhDs, or other degrees,
Are too smart to engage in gestation.

Bishop Bo-Peep would gladly sweep
Mankind off the face of the Earth,
For they who aspire to the favor of Gaea
Must oblige her by not giving birth.

Bishop Bo-Peep may someday reap
The harvest of seed never sown,
When she starts an oration to her congregation
And finds that she’s preaching to no one.

Bishop Bo-Peep will start to weep
And utter laments and complaints,
As the Catholics, unheeding, continue their breeding,
And so do the Latter Day Saints.

Bishop Bo-Peep has thoughts so deep,
We hope she will somehow find time
To tell us how men can be born again,
When being born once is a crime.

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