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Sewing in the Real World

In other news, Berylla's baptism is this Sunday. For months I have been working on her Baptismal gown. The boys all had this little white mini tuxedo thing, and a Girlie needs a girlier gown. When I was pregnant, I put the job aside because I "had time". A cut here, a stitch there. It has become more urgent the last week to get it done. Part of me thinks I am nuts for making it when I could have just purchased it. However, I didn't want satin, I didn't want to spend lots of $$$ on something that will be worn barely one day. Don't get me wrong, I do not minimise the importance of baptism. I am a bit nervous the whole time prior to baptism that something might happen to my baby (God forbid) and they might expire with Original Sin on their soul (not obsessively, crazy nervous, just relieved when they are finally baptised is a better description). It is very important to me to have my children become officially Catholic. The major significance in my opinion is just not on the attire. Just the minor significance :wink:.

I found a pattern on ebay for $2. I bought a really pretty off-white eyelet fabric for like $30. I got notions at Wal-Mart for $2. Oh yeah, I put them all on my debit Master Card so I suppose I can say "and the cost of being able to have a Baptismal gown just the way you want it? Priceless..." Oh never mind.

Like I mentioned, I have been sewing a bit here and there. It is not that difficult a task, but time has not been on my side. Yesterday I attached the skirt to the bodice. The skirt is huge and needed some big time gathering. My sewing machine has the different stitch settings controlled by a Gameboy that attaches to the machine. The boys find this irresistible to touch, so as I am attaching the skirt, Fredegar grabs the Gameboy and changes the stitches and the needle breaks. When I turn the gown rightside out, there is a pucker there where the needle got stuck in the stitching. I really don't have time to fix it, so I am going to find some way to cover it or simply hope no one notices. I still have to add bows and buttons and make the bonnet. I have to do this amidst tennis lessons, school, my schoolwork and oh hooray, I am cutting my hair on Saturday (I am very excited as this is long overdue)!

I like to sew, but I really am a sloppy seamstress. I rarely press things as I sew because that would mean having an iron out around active boys. Most of my sewing comes with the hopes no one gets too close to look at the finished product as it has that "hmm, something is not right-oh you didn't press" look.

So if it comes to mind on Sunday, please say a small prayer that Berylla's Baptism turns out to be a nice day. :)


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congratulations on your baby girl and the good birth. and getting her baptzed just after Epiphany!!!! wow!

You got it on the prayer request. I think my niece's baptismal gown was sewn last-minute by her grandmom on the other side and it turned out nice. Everything will be good for Berylla, too!

Congratulations! I think the ceremony and occasion will be so important and beautiful that no one will ever notice whatever crease or "mis-stitch" (is there even such a word? lol) there may be on your daughter's baptismal dress. You are really sweet for choosing to sew her dress =)

Incidentally, we unearthed my baptismal dress (it is now a light yellow from the original white) from an old box that was sitting for years behind one of the cabinets at home. I'm holding on to it as I now realize that the occasion for which I wore it is really more significant day than my birth -- supernaturally speaking.

I hope you can post a photo or two of the baptism.

I spent most of the night before Nicolas's baptism (Until about almost 4:00 am) finishing Nicolas's baptismal suit. I was accompanied by my sister (the godmother) who wouldn't leave me to do it alone (although she doesn't sew, and was there for moral support only) and it turns out that was a good thing, because at one point I was about to sew something on wrong and she noticed... and saved me extra work.

Well, now that it is Sunday, I have to say,... WELCOME INTO THE CHURCH BERYLLA!! And I want to request some photos of that baptismal dress. :)

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