So Familiar

How we made it through my husband’s affair on Salon

I walked in the door of a brick building (ironically located in the same building as our marriage counselor) and began crying as soon as I gave the receptionist my name. Moments later a lovely woman at a wooden desk told me my options, explained the pricing, then left me with this advice: “You don’t have to rush this. Make the decision when you’re ready.”
I left the building still sobbing into a wad of soggy Kleenex.
For the next several days, I took a one-day-at-a-time approach toward working through the hurricane that had made landfall on our marriage.

This was also a piece of advice I recieved over and over again in the beginning…and it was awesome advice.


  1. I like this part:
    “…five years later I’m still taking our marriage day by day. In many ways, I believe that is the way any marriage should be lived. Each day I work at my marriage a little. Each day I find value in my marriage. Each day I go to sleep glad he’s by my side.”

  2. I like that part too.
    I should have highlighted that part instead. There was so much of that article that rang true for me, that I wasn’t sure what to highlight exactly. 🙂

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