I Have The Worst Kids in the World

I was wondering this morning if all parents think their children do the most horrible things that other people’s children do not do. For example, my four year old is always trying to escape-except of course when I tell him to go outside and play. Do other people’s children escape or is it only mine? I have no memory of my brothers trying to escape, and my mother assured me they did. As a matter of fact, I recall a time when my middle brother was 8 (he is now an 18 year old freshman at Cornell), he and my mother got into some fight and she told him to take a walk until he calmed down. He took her advice, walked to Sam Goody to purchase himself a Michael Jackson tape. My parents called the police on him and they found him right away. So other people’s kids do escape and actually go further than the backyard.
I was feeling a little better about not having the world’s worst kids until I received a phone call from an old acquaintance. I was dozing off due to Posco’s reading lesson when my friend called. Everyone who was sitting calmly and sedated started running around, tossing things, grabbing cookies and undressed the baby from the waist down who proceeded to leave a present for me on the floor that was intended to stay in the diaper. All it takes is a 15 minute attempt at an adult phone call and now I feel “done” for the day. Dh will not be home until 9.30, seven hours and counting, Ugh.


  1. Sorry, ds was always pretty good about hanging around. But I think that has more to do with his fear of the “unknown” then being a “good” kid.
    But yesterday I looked outside and saw my neighbors 2 boys (just 2 and 4 yrs) half-way up the street and moving at a good pace.I asked ds to check and see if Mom was behind them and he said “no”. As I went to get the phone and started to go outside ds said I was being too “nosey” 😉
    Just then Mom came brusting outa the house….
    I talked to her later and she said she left them on the porch (their fav place to play now) to make an afternoon sandwhich (not more then 5 min) for hubby. Sheesh they move fast…we have really long driveways so I bet they took off the moment she walked away. They are a hand-full, but sweetie pies.

  2. Each of our kids tried to “escape” early on as toddlers. They each got a spanking or two (for disobedience) and then gave up.
    Now I’ll tell you a little secret that has worked for me so far. It sounds harsh, but it can be a lot of fun: I drill the kids on obedience. After a suitable punishment and reconciliation, I’ll ask the wayward child if he thinks he can obey his parents for the rest of the day. He invariably says “yes”. Now comes the drill: stand up, sit down, don’t move, hop on one leg, run and touch the chair, roll over, etc. They do it, they get the point, and it ends up in a fit of giggles. 😉

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