As Usual

I can use some prayers. The past few months my life has been one thing after another, and I suppose from the outside it could be deduced I am a chaos addict or something, but I swear the calmer I try to keep things, the more they explode. I do not know what I am doing wrong anymore. Well, I to take a stab at it, I have been mediocre in my attempts at a great many responsibilities. But I feel like I am being pulled thin is so many directions and just squeaking by in all my responsibilities, but not getting one done really, really well. I wish I could take a break from life for a bit.


  1. Will be praying for you! Sounds like you and I are in the same place, actually, so every time I beg for mercy myself, I’ll ask it for you, too. That ought to buy you, oh, 100 or so prayers a day. But no solutions, sorry. If you hit on something that works, let me know.

  2. thank God Easter is just around the corner. i’ll be praying that Christ will easter in you and that Eastertide will be a season of renewal for your spirit, sweet pansy.

  3. I know how you feel. Between teens in crisis, husband out of work, high pressure job and aging parents/inlaws, I am in a state of near collapse myself.
    When I first saw the Fellowship of the Ring, I nearly wept when Bilbo compared this state to feeling like “butter that’s been stretched across too much bread.” or something like that.
    Hang in there, pray hard, let God take over.

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