Sometimes it’s the little things

I like popcorn. Hambet loves popcorn. I don’t care for microwave popcorn in the bags. Cooking popcorn on the stovetop frustrates me — I hate dragging out the kettle and keeping curious Hambet away from the stovetop.
I found a nifty gadget at Tar-zhay — it’s a heavy plastic bowl with a vented cover designed for popping popcorn in the microwave. You just pour the popcorn in, pop it for four minutes, and pull it out when the popping slows down. No oil necessary, and only one smallish bowl to wash. I’m very pleased.


  1. John loves popcorn – plain, no salt, no butter.
    We have a $20 hot air popper. I buy him various gourmet popcorns for Christmas and birthdays. You might want to think about a hot-air popper, it’s even easier than the microwave bowl.

  2. Haven’t read your blog in quite along time and am impressed at the frou-frou and the fact that you have attracted the attention of people who feel the need to thumbs-up or thumbs-down. You have arrived. Now, if I could only come up with a cute Hobbitt name….

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