…I’d’a baked a cake!
Author: Peony Moss
“It’s not the President’s fault you’re crabby.”
The invaluable Simcha Fisher on keeping our peace as we fight the wickedness du jour. “In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33
100 Questions Jesus Asked and You Ought to Answer
Because to not answer is, itself, an answer
Hey Girl.
Ryan Gosling totally wants to hear all about your homeschool curriculum this year.
Links about Commonplace Books
Dr Lucia Knoles, Assumption College: Commonplace Books: “a vital tool of erudition” (and why you’re going to be assigned one for my survey class) She quotes Confucius: If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant;if what is said is not what is meant, then what must be done remains… Continue reading Links about Commonplace Books
If this doesn’t give you the God-bumps, nothing will
A black death row inmate, in 1940’s Arkansas, meets the Blessed Virgin Mary: While [Claude Newman] was in jail awaiting execution, he shared a cell-block with four other prisoners. One night, the five men were sitting around talking and eventually the conversation ran out. During this time, Claude noticed a medal on a string around… Continue reading If this doesn’t give you the God-bumps, nothing will
Oh, Newt.
Get a grip.
It’s the Culture, Stupid, and It’s Killing Us.
From Regnum Novum on the appalling mess that is the State of California: We may be tempted to conclude that all of these folks, the union boss, the career politician are just congenital heels, incapable of thinking beyond themselves. To that I would just remind us that A) there but for the grace of God… Continue reading It’s the Culture, Stupid, and It’s Killing Us.