Gorbulas is three! He is my baby and he is three already! How did this happen? His brothers made him cards out of construction paper and crayons and said “Happy Birthday Gorbulas!” to which he exclaimed “Oh, habby derbay!” He also got a nifty kid sized X-Wing fighter. He is so cute. He still has… Continue reading Habby Derbay!
Category: Pansyiana
Slow Down!
Baby Fredegar is in size 3 diapers because I couldn’t pull the tapes closed in size 2’s. Waaahhhh, he is growing too fast!
So It Snowed
and we were snowed in. This would have been pretty cool-we had munchies, it was on the weekend so Polo was snowed in with us instead of out working. But the pipes had to freeze up again for the second time this week. This time when they thawed out, our hot water stopped working. Our… Continue reading So It Snowed
Pansy Stuff and Prayer Requests
It is the middle of the night and I have insomnia because the baby was up. He is now sleeping soundly, but I who amd dead tired, am awake. Agh, motherhood! Kids, why have ’em? -A week ago Fredegar had a check-up. He is 15 pounds and 23 inches. He is a real chubbalumps. Nice… Continue reading Pansy Stuff and Prayer Requests
Now, Fastolph
“why did you draw pictures on Nana and Boompa’s walls? You know you are not supposed to do that?” “Oh, I’m so sorry…I…I…I…” “Yes?” “Well, I had to use the walls because nobody got me some paper!”
All Finished Up
I had my 6 week checkup yesterday. My midwife said I lost 20 pounds, which was “very good”. She said the rest of the weight should nurse right off. I hope so because I am not as happy. She also apologized profusely about the birth and she hopes they will change the protocol about waterbirth… Continue reading All Finished Up
My Neighbors
are so kind. We were visiting my mother yesterday and when we came home there were two wagon tracks in the snow. Not unusual because my Amish neighbors use our phone. They left a casserole for us by the phone. That was just so sweet. It is also a big comparison to the neighbors who… Continue reading My Neighbors
Fredegar had his second check-up yesterday. About a week and a half ago the doctor was a bit worried because he was looking quite yellow. They took a blood test and his bilirubin was at 14.5 which the doctor said was “ok”. Yesterday the doctor said he still looked yellow, but is growing, eating and… Continue reading Check-Up