Two Inches of Snow

Yep. And since we are city folk gone country, we did not purchase our pick-up truck snow plow combo yet, and we need to hire someone to plow our drive-way. For whatever reason we cannot seem to get people to return our calls. We think it is because we have not “established” ourselves yet in… Continue reading Two Inches of Snow

Categorized as Pansyiana

I joined Weight Watchers again

I have had a bit of a mortality check recently becauseI have been experiencing chest pains. I went to the doctor on Friday and he told me they are intercostal muscle spasms brought on by stress. Deo Gratias. He told me I need to “destress”, which unfortunately is not happening anytime soon. So before I… Continue reading I joined Weight Watchers again

Categorized as Pansyiana

All Saints Party

I got an email yesterday saying our homeschooling group is having an All Saint’s Party on Saturday in Fonda. Ack, I so do not have any costumes ready because I did not know there would be a party this year until yesterday. Anybody have any ideas for quick, cheap and easy saint costume ideas. I… Continue reading All Saints Party

Winter Is Here

for Jeanetta and myself and anyone else in Upstate NY.Once those temps hit like “Today’s High is 32 degrees” Pansy Moss does not leave home. The weather is so different here than it was 4 hours south in New Jersey. Summer does not hit until like the very end of June, and the first week… Continue reading Winter Is Here

Kid Stuff

Gorbulas giggles in his sleep. I wonder what he dreams about. I am happy that he has pleasant dreams. Rosey Posey asked me “Mom, what are leg warmers?” “Are you watching something from the early eighties? They keep your legs warm.” “Yes, that girl working out was wearing leg warmers. I don’t get it, why… Continue reading Kid Stuff