Sick Kids=Stress

A week ago (Friday) we brought Gorbulas to the doctor because he was whiney and feverish. The doctor diagnosed him with an ear infection and gave him 5 days of amoxicillin. They also tested him for strep and he tested negative. I was surprised because I haven’t seen amoxicillin in years. The family practice group… Continue reading Sick Kids=Stress

How Madison Avenue targets the kids

Over at Times Against Humanity, Earl has a good article up on marketing to kids. The amount of money and expertise spent marketing to children — who are mentally almost powerless against advertisers — is really disturbing.

Crayola clay v. Play-Doh?

When I was packing for our trip, reader Sandy commented, “Crayola makes that modelling clay. It beats PlayDoh hands down for airplane travel. I prefer PlayDoh for the kitchen table, but that Crayola stuff is GOLDEN for air travel.” Now I’m intrigued. What are the comparative merits of Crayola clay v. Play-Doh? Up to know… Continue reading Crayola clay v. Play-Doh?

Now, Fastolph

“why did you draw pictures on Nana and Boompa’s walls? You know you are not supposed to do that?” “Oh, I’m so sorry…I…I…I…” “Yes?” “Well, I had to use the walls because nobody got me some paper!”