Help needed: Our Lady of Guadalupe linkage

I want to send my pal Iris some good links on the story of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Have any that you care to recommend? Primary sources especially appreciated. Thanks 🙂

The Most Feared Punctuation on Earth

Afraid of using semicolons? Today’s your lucky day; Joe Carter at First Things links to a memorable guide. (For myself, I might have forgotten a great deal of Ecology 402, but I’ve never forgotten dear Dr. W’s comment on my final paper: “I applaud your correct use of the semicolon.”)

Wise Men from Springfield

Over at the Crescat, Kat’s announced the winners of the Tacky Nativity contest. (The winner is completely worthy of the award.) Among the nominees was this fine work of art, the Simpsons Nativity: Silly as it is, the Magi and the shepherds are well cast.

Elephants on a mission

This strange story about the wild elephants in Orissa, India, has been making the rounds. I was telling my pal Iris about it, starting with the background of the persecutions and then about the elephants, when she gasped, “Ganesh!” I hadn’t even thought of Ganesh! That just adds another level of strangeness to this story….