Thanks to Bec for bringing us this vital information.
Well, look what the space-time anomaly coughed up
Found today: one maraca and one little wooden sign, both in a basket that had been searched before. All we need now is the striker for the triangle and we’ll be three for three. Perhaps part of the problem was the big basket — too easy to lose little things in there. We recently picked… Continue reading Well, look what the space-time anomaly coughed up
This is my usual mumbling over some issue and then trying to find a nice spot for sitting on the fence. Bobbi asks, in our comments box and on her own fine blog, how we handle the Santa question: How do you allow them to use their imagination and enjoy make-believe stories and still let… Continue reading Santa?
Peony is pleased.
You are Melanie Hamilton. A true lady. You aregenerous, loyal, giving and can see only thebest in people. You are willing to go out ofyour way to help anyone, even if it’s againstpublic opinion. You can be surprisingly firm ifthe occasion calls for it. Which Character from ‘Gone With The Wind’ are you? brought to… Continue reading Peony is pleased.
What a blog should be
My dear husband almost never reads our blog. I think he finds it too girly. The other day he called me over to the computer, showed me the blog he was reading, and told me, “Now this is what a real blog looks like. See? Discussion of real issues. No Weather Pixies. No recipes.” The… Continue reading What a blog should be
Maybe I could turn this into a spot on the Discovery Channel
I think there is some kind of space-time anomaly in my house. How else to account for all the weird things that keep disappearing? Keys, lids to travel mugs, books, rolls of tape, silver gel markers, and toys — especially toys — keep disappearing. Sometimes these things do reappear: usually when I’m not looking for… Continue reading Maybe I could turn this into a spot on the Discovery Channel
Our ever-changing left column
Welcome to our sidebar: Pencil in Your Hand: Bec is the homeschooling mother of two teenage boys A Song of November Homeschooler Joyce has moved Ora et Labora to a new URL at blogspot
Merry Christmas!
We had a really happy, fun day but I went to bed tired and I’m still tired this morning. I could really, really use some coffee. Today we’ll just be washing things and putting things away. And playing with the new toys.