Now, here is another example of someone who would do best keeping their opinions to themselves…

or at least express them in a more appropriate forum. See, I hate it when I hear anti-Catholic comments from celebrities whose talents I have enjoyed because then I simply have to stop liking them. I always thought Lauryn Hill was so talented and pretty and now I find her annoying. This is so sad… Continue reading Now, here is another example of someone who would do best keeping their opinions to themselves…

Urban Dictionary

For my parents, I was thinking of having a family potrait taken of the kids, the sibs, hubby and I to present as a Christmas present. My family is relocating to Peony’s neck of the country, so who knows when the opportiuntiy will again arise for a family pic.. I emailed my brothers to request… Continue reading Urban Dictionary

Please pray for Mrs Riddle

Steven writes that his wife is scheduled to be admitted to the hospital this afternoon, and asks for prayers for her — and for their little boy, who will probably be at least a little disconcerted by Mommy going to the hospital.


I met one of my Amish neighbors who comes by to use our phone. The kids were thrilled to see him and loved his horse. He asked me again if it is OK to use our phone because it is the closest one to him in miles and he did not want to be a… Continue reading Today…

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