More on Baby Names

The Social Security Administration has a web site where you can look up the popularity of baby names by year, by state, and by the name itself. For 2002, the top ten names for boys (from one to ten) were Jason, Michael, Joshua, Matthew, Ethan, Joseph, Andrew, Christopher, Daniel, and Nicholas. For girls: Emily, Madison,… Continue reading More on Baby Names

More reflections on academia

Why, oh why, didn’t I take shop in middle school instead of orchestra? I haven’t touched a viola since I was fifteen, but I regret that shop class almost every day since we’ve become homeowners. Books aren’t that much help either, in that they tend to focus on small, typical projects in houses that don’t… Continue reading More reflections on academia

Times Have Changed

My daughter, husband and I were flipping through the channels last night. We stopped at a woman performing a song and playing the guitar. At first we could not figure if it was a man or a woman, but she sounded like a woman. Then I pointed out to my husband “no, it’s a woman;… Continue reading Times Have Changed

More Good News for Terri’s Fight

Governor Jeb Bush has filed an Amicus Memorandum on behalf of Terri! (link requires Adobe) Thanks to Earl at Times Against Humanity for the heads-up.

The High Mass

Yesterday’s High Mass went very well. It was just lovely. I often wish I could devote more attention to my missal, but it is very hard with small children. My father was very nervous, but he did very well. It was so neat to see him in Traditional vestments and even a biretta. Father announced… Continue reading The High Mass

More on Names

I do find the Madison’s annoying. Also, have you noticed around 1989, Ariel became quite popular? I guess people like naming their kids after mermaids. Today, Rosey Posey asked me “Mommy, what kind of name is Beyonce?” All I could do is shrug and say “I don’t know Baby, I don’t know.”