More on day care for babies

In her comment on Pansy’s post, Ellyn suggests: Should it be daycare [in Circle VII] or those who have created a society necessitating the tearing of tiny ones from their mothers’ bosoms (literally and figuratively) that gets relegated to that circle? While we’re at it…could you add all day kindergarten and pre-school? At least in… Continue reading More on day care for babies

Stretch out your hand

I have been struggling with frustration in matters great and small. Why won’t my garden grow? Why can’t we have another baby? Why can’t we get ahead of the home repairs? Why won’t my two-year-old play with his toys instead of my mixer and kitchen knives? Why can’t I find any local SAHM chums “in… Continue reading Stretch out your hand

From the mailbox

….As director of Citizens United Resisting Euthanasia (CURE), I would like to thank you for calling your readers’ attention to the plight of Terri Schiavo. I know that the Schindler family and all of us who love Terri appreciate your efforts on her behalf. As a fellow member of St. Blog’s Parish, I call your… Continue reading From the mailbox

Daycare in the silly quiz

In the silly quiz below, Rachel wonders: “Isn’t circle 7 a bit harsh for daycare?!”. Hmmm, um, no. I think daycare for babies is pretty despicable. Before I have people throwing rotten fruit at me, I know there are situations where it is perhaps necessary for survival. Even then though I do not think it… Continue reading Daycare in the silly quiz

Happy Birthday to Our Lady!

Happy Birthday to Our Lady! “Tenderness”, copyright 2003 Pavel Chichikov, all copyright restrictions apply, used by permission

Top 50 Fall Allergy Cities

Top 50 Fall Allergy Cities Named I had my fingers crossed hoping we would not be on the list. But lo and behold: 1. Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York, Pa. 2. Raleigh-Durham-Fayetteville, N.C. 3. Louisville, Ky. 4. Austin, Texas. 5. Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, Mich. 6. Memphis, Tenn. 7. Oklahoma City, Okla. 8. Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas. 9. Kansas City, Mo.… Continue reading Top 50 Fall Allergy Cities