Birth Rates Decline in Europe Isn’t it odd with all the advancements in food distribution and healthcare that birth rates are dropping so dramatically instead of increasing?
Oh, in case you were
Oh, in case you were wondering My husband rented and beat Enter the Matrix this weekend. Yes it answered many of the questions that the holes in the plot of the movie left. Yes it had a neat preview of the next movie at the end. I am not sure if I should share any… Continue reading Oh, in case you were
The blog I could have
The blog I could have written-except not because I don’t that well… but I can so relate to . William Luse over at Apologia writes about the personal frustration with liturgical abuses. I am a week late on this, sorry.
My Weekend
Saturday evening was nice because last minute we were invited to a potluck dinner-prayer-thing-Catholic-fellowship-get together. I had Spinach Enchiladas slotted in for dinner, so I just brought it with me as my dish. We met a young couple (not married) who just graduated from F U Steubanville who were very cool. Although they were I… Continue reading My Weekend
The manusturge On Saturday, Cardinal
The manusturge On Saturday, Cardinal McCarrick ordained nine new priests for the Archdiocese of Washington. One of these priests, during his time as a transitional deacon, had done a lot of work at the parish my husband and I used to belong to (and still attend from time to time.) So he said his first… Continue reading The manusturge On Saturday, Cardinal
Monday evening
This weekend has been very pleasant but it’s just flown by. Saturday I had some blood work done. Afterwards I stopped by Fresh Fields Whole Foods Market and found a nice surprise — some organic rhubarb for $1.99 a pound. Nice rhubarb, too — big, crunchy red stalks — so of course I snapped that… Continue reading Monday evening
prayers puh-leeze, please, please, please,
prayers puh-leeze, please, please, please, please, puh-leeeeeeze!!! Please say a prayer for me because I am very pathetic. Three out of six Upstate NY Mosses (including yours truly) seem to be afflicted with some type of stomach virus that is wreaking havoc in my system from the waist up in ways I hadn’t thought possible.… Continue reading prayers puh-leeze, please, please, please,
Judge Orders Abortion for Disabled
Judge Orders Abortion for Disabled Woman This is bad. Why not let it go for the three months left and adopt the baby out? Think about it, the judge has ordered the death of an innocent child…