Putting tack to good use

Putting tack to good use HA, Pansy! remember once when you were ripping on the Friar Tuck cookie jar — and I got to tell you about how my MOM has one? (hers is much cuter than the one in the catalog.)

Sacramentals that make you go

Sacramentals that make you go “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh……………………” part III From Leaflet Missal: Sports Rosaries! Choose your favorite sport to pray the rosary. Includes leaflets on how to pray the rosary and the chaplet of Divine Mercy. Non-toxic, handmade in the USA. Sports include: basketball, football, soccer, baseball, tennis, volleyball.

This and that

This and that Finally made it to Tiny Tots Funfit this morning — the class has been cancelled, Friday after Friday, because of the weather. We have missed as many classes as we have attended (four.) Hambet did much better this morning — we met the teacher early and asked her to show him her… Continue reading This and that

Categorized as Peonyiana

The Friday Five

1. What was the last song you heard? The “Good-bye Song” at Hambet’s Tiny Tots class this morning. 2. What were the last two movies you saw? Does video count? then it would be “Signs” and “Monsters, Inc.” In the theater? “Possession” and “The Fellowship of the Ring.” 3. What were the last three things… Continue reading The Friday Five

Categorized as Peonyiana

Peony, I know I am

Peony, I know I am extremely crunchy when it comes to childbirth options and pre-natal interventions. I never pretended to be the level headed Sleepy Mommy either. I remember reading that C-sections were not allowed unless truly necessary, as well as inductions. Yet most people I know from real life have never truly needed either…… Continue reading Peony, I know I am

HMS Blog on elective primary

HMS Blog on elective primary C-sections (sorry about the duplicate. I didn’t see that Pansy had already blogged on this article.) Kevin Miller starts the discussion and Greg Popcak comments. Elective primary C-sections. Mothers having their first baby who choose to have a scheduled C-section: More women are scheduling Caesarean sections for the delivery of… Continue reading HMS Blog on elective primary