7 quick takes from Peony

1. I have been wanting to participate in Jen’s “7 Quick Takes Friday” for months. Months.
2. I haven’t been blogging because I haven’t had much to say and I haven’t had much time to read other blogs.
3. I got to try the Wii today. Now I want one. Maybe I’ll give one to my husband.
4. I have five pairs of scissors in my house. Each pair is labeled with its home (“kitchen”, “upstairs desk”, etc)
5. My resolution for 2009 is to keep a journal. The old-fashioned way, with a pen and paper.
6. I think I am going to make fish and polenta for supper tonight. Don’t know what Hambet’s going to eat.
7. I am looking forward to January 29, 2009.


  1. Peony:
    1. I really respect the idea of labeling scissors.
    2. What happens on 1/29/09?

  2. we have about … oh … twenty pair of scissors in the smockmaison. i know because i’m the one who has purchased them all over the past year. however, i can never find a pair when i need them. hence, the need to purchase, purchase, and purchase them. labeling sounds like a faboo idea.
    i don’t keep a journal, but i do use a day planner. i call it my “brain book.” it ROCKS.

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