I had my prenatal visit the other day and the PA mentioned that at 18 weeks, if I so choose, I could get genetic counseling, a level II ultrasound, and perhaps an amnio to look for birth defects-specifically Down Syndrome. I am now 35, therefore officially of “advanced maternal age” making the chances of having… Continue reading Pro-Life Moms of “Advanced Maternal Age”
Category: Pansyiana
I Can’t Eat Sushi
I guess that means ceviche is out too? I suppose that would make sense since the prohibition is against raw fish as opposed to Japanese food. I am craving everything I can’t eat: hoagies, sushi, bleu and Camembert cheese. I read somewhere that once something is prohibited, that is exactly what you want, but I… Continue reading I Can’t Eat Sushi
I Just Gotta Get It Out of My System!
And whining every few hours in the Facebook status block is not enough. The other night I was gagging through doing dishes. It was after supper, which always means I am sicker than before I ate. I break out into sweats, the fatigue worsens, and the nausea just doubles. So here I am expending every… Continue reading I Just Gotta Get It Out of My System!
I So Shouldn’t Find This Funny, But I Do For Some Bizarre Reason
Yesterday my husband was working. He was doing a demolition job on an apartment building that had a fire in Saratoga. He was brining debris back and forth to a big industrial dumpster they had downstairs. During one of his trips, he said there was a little old Italian lady who asked “Do you mind… Continue reading I So Shouldn’t Find This Funny, But I Do For Some Bizarre Reason
Can Anyone Offer 1st Trimester Advice?
You know it’s funny, 15 years ago, after I had my first, I would have considered myself the go-to person for advice. I loved going to Mom’s groups and talking shop, being able to share my tidbits of information that I have learned with other new Moms in exchange for their pieces of knowledge describing… Continue reading Can Anyone Offer 1st Trimester Advice?
It Is What it Is
5 weeks ago it was just this:
Pray for a Soul
My neighbor, “Gathie” was 17 years old and was pregnant. She delivered a baby via c-section, and when the nurses got her up to walk, she died instantly of a blood clot in her heart. Or that is the story in the neighborhood. The baby survived. This is a sad story. Her younger siblings were… Continue reading Pray for a Soul
14 Years Ago Today…
I got married. I know it’s not a mile stone, like the seven-year itch, 10 years, or even 15, but it sure feels like it should be.