The TSO Home Library Invitational…

is here. I wonder if Burke and Pieper count as “major philosophers”? Oh well, it wouldn’t make a difference in my results: “the downtown library serves most of my needs.” Actually I order my library books online and go to the branch to pick them up.


I am a little frustrated with Weight Watchers because I am really not sure how many points I should eat. I can eat 30 points a day and lose. I can actually eat a little bit more than 30 and lose more , but I am not sure how much more before it is too… Continue reading Frustrated!

Seven Means to Seven Sorrows

The Curt Jester brings our attention to Steve’s great post on the seven capital sins, Seven Means to Seven Sorrows: It’s amazing really. From Bach to Eminem, every bit of music is a variation on eight simple notes. The same goes for literature – the Greeks identified roughly a half-dozen different plots, and that’s all… Continue reading Seven Means to Seven Sorrows

Peony’s Friday Five

1. List five things you’d like to accomplish by the end of the year. Establish a better daily routine. Establish a daily exercise program. Write and send Christmas cards. Finish potty-training Hambet. Get pregnant. 2. List five people you’ve lost contact with that you’d like to hear from again. Only one: I’d like to talk… Continue reading Peony’s Friday Five

Categorized as Peonyiana

It’s the grey pumpkin!

Well, actually kind of a bluish-greenish grey. A few weeks ago I mentioned taking Hambet to the pumpkin patch, and how Iris and I brought home some heirloom pumpkins. Mine was a bluish-gray thing, and I recently discovered that it is a“Jarrahdale” pumpkin. Last weekend I set about cooking and eating it. This was the… Continue reading It’s the grey pumpkin!

Categorized as Homekeeping