Anne Rice is writing your life. Go you goth girl, go. Which Author’s Fiction are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Little Boys
They are running around outside with ski masks, gloves and their coats on but wide open and unzippered.
Is your cream of tartar fresh?
Welcome CaNN readers!
Spirituality, song meet in church
…The jubilant music, clapping, shouting and swaying — more commonly affiliated with a service at a Baptist church — are a regular part of St. George’s worship service. “Our black folks find it difficult to go to white parishes because they’re laid back. Here we try to touch our African roots,” said Martin Amissah, musical… Continue reading Spirituality, song meet in church
Do Movie Ratings do more harm than good?
Do You Know Where Your Children Are? Most likely, they’re watching PG-13 movies. Those would be the ones with the foul language, oral-sex references and torture scenes…. (WaPo; marketing questions) An interesting and disturbing article about “ratings creep”, exacerbated by the introduction of the PG-13 movie rating (and ultimately made possible by parental inattention and… Continue reading Do Movie Ratings do more harm than good?
Flannery O’Connor wrote your book. Not much escapesyour notice. Which Author’s Fiction are You? brought to you by Quizilla I’ll be ordering some peacocks terreckly. Thanks to Michelle for this quiz.
Commenter #500 at our new place….
Erik gets the gold star!