…Are we compromising our religious beliefs and principles by letting our children, even if innocently, dabble in something that has its origins in evil? As Catholic families, what is our obligation to be consistent and true to our faith?…[more…] Thanks Karen for the link.
Hallowe’en – a Christian Holiday
All Saints Party
I got an email yesterday saying our homeschooling group is having an All Saint’s Party on Saturday in Fonda. Ack, I so do not have any costumes ready because I did not know there would be a party this year until yesterday. Anybody have any ideas for quick, cheap and easy saint costume ideas. I… Continue reading All Saints Party
Measure twice, cut once, shriek, bite your tongue because your child is watching you
I like the idea of sewing, but I’m not very good at it. There’s part of me that whispers, “you’re not good at it because you don’t sew very often” but there’s another part of me that’s whispering, “you’re not good at it because you’re doing everything the hard way” — kind of like trying… Continue reading Measure twice, cut once, shriek, bite your tongue because your child is watching you
He Calls Himself a Man Part II
The Transcript KING: True, you have a girlfriend? SCHIAVO: Yes. And I am very fortunate… KING: Does it hurt the situation, do you think, as the way the public might look at you? SCHIAVO: From their side, I’m sure. But you know something? I’m fortunate to have two women in my life that I love… Continue reading He Calls Himself a Man Part II
Do You Think
if I invented a giant hamster wheel to put my kids in when they seem like they need to burn some sreious energy, it would sell? Very AP, don’t you think?
And He Calls Himself a Man?
I cannot find a transcript online yet since the show ended a few minutes ago, so I am doing this from memory. When Michael Schiavo was asked about his girlfriend he said something like “I am very fortunate to have two women in my life who I love.” I feel sick. Update:I had nightmares over… Continue reading And He Calls Himself a Man?
Winter Is Here
for Jeanetta and myself and anyone else in Upstate NY.Once those temps hit like “Today’s High is 32 degrees” Pansy Moss does not leave home. The weather is so different here than it was 4 hours south in New Jersey. Summer does not hit until like the very end of June, and the first week… Continue reading Winter Is Here
Today’s anticipated service interruption has been interruped
Got the old computer fired up, managed to log in, email’s up too. I may still be scarce this week, though, because I might attempt sewing a Halloween costume for Hambet (fireman) although I’m not sure what we’re going to do with our little fireman once he’s got his gear on. Probably the usual: take… Continue reading Today’s anticipated service interruption has been interruped