It’s a Tuesday, but it feels like a Monday around here since my husband had Columbus Day off. He had already left this morning when Hambet woke up, so we had tears first thing in the morning — “Where’s my daddy? I want my daddy!” I’m very happy with the paint job in the kitchen.… Continue reading Miscellany
Type 1 Painter or Type 2?
Peony, I think Polo and I are Type 1.5 painters. I actually have never picked up a paint brush because I am always busy keeping a toddler from sticking his foot into the paint can. My husband would very much like to be a Type 1 painter, but time restraints make it so you have… Continue reading Type 1 Painter or Type 2?
Peony Weighs In On The Halloween Issue
In the comments box below, Peony states: On the other hand, I don’t like the attitude of trying to shield ourselves from any taint of the larger culture. It strikes me as being counterproductive — it deprives us of the chance to evangelize others, and it can set up a false impression to our children… Continue reading Peony Weighs In On The Halloween Issue
Terri’s Time is Running Out
From the Terri’s Fight mailing list: Terri Schindler-Schiavo, age 39, will have her feeding tube removed at 2PM on Wednesday, October 15, unless Governor Jeb Bush is persuaded to intervene. On Monday, October 13, at 12 noon, Terris family and friends will begin a 24-hour-a-day vigil outside the Woodside Hospice where Terri lives. Hospice Woodside… Continue reading Terri’s Time is Running Out
Shopping for Costumes
Yesterday we went shopping for Halloween constumes. I actually have similar feelings that Jeff does about Halloween, but the closest All Saint’s Day Party is usually a bit of a distance for a week night, whereas taking them around the block to let them get some candy bars is a more viable option. The rule… Continue reading Shopping for Costumes
Happy Birthday Posco!!
Posco is eight years old today! We celebrated with spinach lasagna and birthday cake. I cannot believe how fast time flies.
There are two kinds of people….
….those who think painting a kitchen means flipping through dozens of paint chips before finally choosing the right shade of yellow, pulling out all the nails, filling and sanding the holes, wiping it all down, washing the walls, putting down masking tape, paper and drop cloths, priming, letting the primer dry, painting, wiping up the… Continue reading There are two kinds of people….
There are no stupid questions, especially when it comes to the Four Last Things
Sparki, who’ll soon be observing her very first All Souls Day as a Catholic, reflects on the comforting doctrine of Purgatory.