The weather here is just magnificent — clear blue sky, a bit on the cool side outside but not too cold…. Soon we’ll have that scent of leaf and wood fires in the air. How I love this time of year. Today I took on another Napoleonic homekeeping project, and tried to bake a triple… Continue reading Fall is finally here
Late to the Party, but….
have you checked out Summa Mamas yet? “One fun, one granola, one old…” (although the “old” mama seems to be in the market for a more um descriptive sobriquet….)
The Garden Report: the perennial radical
On Friday, I got a flat of pansies and a couple of little mums for our front flower bed. I set out yesterday to plant them. When my husband came out a little while later to see what they looked like, he found the pantries still in the flat and the front bed in complete… Continue reading The Garden Report: the perennial radical
Happy Blogiversary to Chirp!
Chirp hatched a year ago this week.
Terri update
Check out the latest developments on the Terri Schiavo case! There are two letters, from Bishops Paul Loverde of Arlington and Raymond J. Burke of LaCrosse, reiterating Catholic teaching on this issue: “The inherent worth of the life of Theresa Schiavo obligates all concerned to provide her with care and support and to reject any… Continue reading Terri update
Low Fat Stuff
Erik in the comments box at the Culinary Ennui post said: Also, I really don’t recommend trying to cook lean. You will end up consuming more calories in the form of carbohydrates and sugars. Rather, vary the fats. I use butter, goose fat, pancetta, olive oil, and peanut oil. Probably the number one is olive… Continue reading Low Fat Stuff
Have Not Had Much Online Time Lately…
We are just starting to get into the routine for the new school year. This year we enrolled to Seton Home Study School because I was stressed and tired this summer. Each summer I get a big kick out of curriculum planning, picking out books, finding books cheap etc. I did not have the energy… Continue reading Have Not Had Much Online Time Lately…
Something else to staple to my forehead
Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset. -Saint Francis de Sales- Thanks to The Lowly Pilgrim for this quotation.