RSS/XML syndication for dummies We have received a very nice letter inviting us to consider adding RSS/XML syndication to the weblog. We would be happy to consider it, but we have no idea what RSS/XML syndication is. (I always thought it was some kind of Moveable Type thing, invisible for those of us in the… Continue reading RSS/XML syndication for dummies We
Federal Judge Kills Bid To
Federal Judge Kills Bid To Bar Schiavo Ruling At an emergency hearing, Lazzara openly doubted whether he has jurisdiction to intervene in a right-to-die case that has been winding through state courts for five years. He termed the Schindlers’ new federal lawsuit a “quintessential shotgun pleading,” but added: “given the importance of what’s at stake… Continue reading Federal Judge Kills Bid To
Terri’s case goes to Federal
Terri’s case goes to Federal level The judge will be hearing Terri’s case at 2PM Eastern time. Anyone care to join me in prayer at that time? Pansy and I have been following this case closely, and it seems like every day there’s some new appalling detail. How I hope that this is the beginning… Continue reading Terri’s case goes to Federal
Grand-names My children like to
Grand-names My children like to watch a show on the Disney Channel called The Proud Family. I think the show is kind of cute. One of the characters is the grandmother named Suga Mama. I decided yesterday that when I am a grandmother I want to be called Suga Mama too. Why? I cannot think… Continue reading Grand-names My children like to
More Sabbatical-ising I am seriously
More Sabbatical-ising I am seriously stressed about moving. I finally admitted to my mother how stressed I am and she said “well moving is extremely stressful Pansy, I lost thirty pounds last time we moved.” That made me feel so much better. But the past events of my life need me to pay more attention… Continue reading More Sabbatical-ising I am seriously
Misfit Today we went to the airshow and saw the Thunderbirds. It was a whole lot of fun. OK, I have been feeling sort of pathetic as of late because in this country that I am a native of, I feel like such a misfit. When I lived in Fiji, I was not a misfit,… Continue reading Misfit
Sabbatical Starting tomorrow morning, I
Sabbatical Starting tomorrow morning, I am going to be taking a little break from the blogosphere for at least one week, maybe for two. I need to catch up on some projects, and it will be easier to avoid procrastination if I set a “no blogging, period!” rule for myself. (I will be checking email,… Continue reading Sabbatical Starting tomorrow morning, I
Garden Report
Garden Report I went out and did a little work in the garden. I’m harvesting carrots now, and I think I’ll have enough basil for a batch of pesto this weekend — yum yum! The Roma tomatoes have lots of green fruit, and one tomato is starting to turn red. The Brandywine tomato is very… Continue reading Garden Report