Federal Judge Kills Bid To

Federal Judge Kills Bid To Bar Schiavo Ruling At an emergency hearing, Lazzara openly doubted whether he has jurisdiction to intervene in a right-to-die case that has been winding through state courts for five years. He termed the Schindlers’ new federal lawsuit a “quintessential shotgun pleading,” but added: “given the importance of what’s at stake… Continue reading Federal Judge Kills Bid To


Misfit Today we went to the airshow and saw the Thunderbirds. It was a whole lot of fun. OK, I have been feeling sort of pathetic as of late because in this country that I am a native of, I feel like such a misfit. When I lived in Fiji, I was not a misfit,… Continue reading Misfit

Garden Report

Garden Report I went out and did a little work in the garden. I’m harvesting carrots now, and I think I’ll have enough basil for a batch of pesto this weekend — yum yum! The Roma tomatoes have lots of green fruit, and one tomato is starting to turn red. The Brandywine tomato is very… Continue reading Garden Report

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