Around St Blog's: March 2009 Archives

Small Success Thursday

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1. Got through Monday evening. Cisco had an eye doctor's appointment at 5:30 PM, Josh had a doctor's appointment at 6 PM, and at 7 PM I had a pro-life meeting at Church. Not only did we get through it, it went smoothly with a healthy dinner served in the midst of it all. Days like this are becoming more frequent and when I get through them, I amaze myself.

2.Turns out Cisco needs reading glasses, so hopefully this will help some with his reading. We have had a decent week at school so far.

3. Despite it being really hard (tired from little sleep, no big people home until 5:30 PM, screaming baby), I have made real food for supper every night this week, and did not order pizza once.

Just Fuming

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I have to stop reading the news because there is little I read that makes me happy or makes me feel hopeful. Of course, there is always hope, but my initial reaction when I read what our new president and congress are doing is usually "what the f**k?" So let's take yesterday's health summit. Pro-life groups were shut out. Via Jill Stanek:

Listen carefully. Richards wants universal health care because the "millions of women who come to us are primarily low income." PP's clientele keeps it from raising its prices, which have increased only slightly over the decades. PP needs government intervention to increase its profit. This is one of 2 reasons why PP wants mandated taxpayer coverage for all PP's services, including, of course, abortion.

I keep thinking about what it means to help the "low income". Why does it always come down to abortion and contraception? Millions and millions of dollars. I wonder what would happen if we took those millions of dollars and put them into true charitable causes-diapers, food, clothes, pencils, books...I not only wonder about the monetary, but the attitude if we didn't dump money into eugenics"women's healthcare", but actual charity. Would people associate sex with reproduction? Would we value children more?

I stumbled this from Greg Popcak today:

My feeling? I'm sick to death of these bleeding heart social conservatives who want a good education for poor kids. Why should we pay for the education of children who really just should have been aborted in the first place? Let's be real here. The Left is only pro-choice until the child is born, and then f*** 'em. I mean, get with the times people! Educating impoverished children is just sooooo '08. Its time to get with teh new social ethic. Crime, poverty, education, health care, inadequate housing and a host of other problem can all be solved if we just abort 'em all and let God (if she exists) sort them out. Right?

Amy Welborn is now at Beliefnet

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Let's just say that if you can imagine a day - the same day - in which you experience a breath of grace through the voice of a child, the cool hand of an elderly priest, gently laid on yours as you pour out regrets and questions, and then the plaintive voice of Lucinda Williams singing in a darkened theater those same regrets and questions that your heart has been crying for a month now...


Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
