Life Issues: May 2008 Archives

but it's going to be that way, for a little while anyway. As long as I am involved in this "thing", campaign, mission, whatever you want to call it in regard to the Planned Parenthood opening up here in Amsterdam, I am going to whine and kvetshn. I am no fool, there is no true way to fight PP. They are a huge corporation. But what they are bringing with them is not simply a birth control clinic, they are bringing a philosophy and a culture. I am also not so naive to think that Margaret Sanger's culture. She herself invented the terms "birth control" and "family planning". She financed development of the first Pill all to fuel her anti-minority eugenics program. How many people pay and swallow hormonal contraceptives without understanding the philosophy behind their creation? (I will save the rant about racism and health issues for another entry...I guess tomorrow. And yes, I know I am preaching to the choir.)

My question for today is about the culture Margaret Sanger created: How was she so successful?

Planned Parenthood's President, Janet Colm, May 2008:

Research indicates that emotional problems resulting from abortion are rare and that for most women the response is relief...Anti-abortion groups have invented [“post-abortion syndrome (PAS)”] to further their cause. All of the studies that purport to prove PAS contain flaws – and all of them studied women who already self-identified as having problems after abortion.

Annie's reply?


Gotta love it. She has much more intelligent stuff to offer. "Bullshit" was all I could muster up at the moment.Read the rest.

Accomplishing Stuff

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In an attempt to combat the newly opening PP in Amsterdam a few volunteers (read 4), myself included were granted a bit of closet space in the local Catholic Charities to distribute diapers and other baby supplies to mothers (or fathers) who come in and need them.

Our first day open was Monday evening. We didn't expect anyone to show up that night, or even the next day for that matter, until word got around that we had free baby supplies.I was not even slotted to volunteer that night, but I live right across the street, so I said I would go and help out the girl who was volunteering. She had not been to the CC and was not there while we set up, so she needed someone to show her where we were stationed. Lo and behold we had a small line. I guess it was a good thing I was there.

We are supplied by donations. I pray the Lord continues to supply for our needs. As it is, we have tons of newborn diapers, yet everyone who came requested size 5. If you can offer up a "Hail Mary" for us, we would be much obliged!

Jill Stanek links to an old debate between George Bush and McCain on the abortion issue.

She sums up the gist of it in her WND column:

Pro-lifers voting for president in November will have to choose McCain. He knows that. We know that. But if he makes one wrong maverick move on the pro-life issue from here until then, such as trying to weaken the Republican pro-life platform, many of us will bail.

The same old dilemma-being Catholic and voting.

PS-I agree with Alan Keyes: if you are going to be pro-life, be pro-life. If you feel that is a child who is being murdered, the circumstances of their conception makes no difference. If you do not feel it is murder, then why be pro-life? Makes no sense.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
