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Barbara Curtis, of Mommy Life, suffered a hemorrhagic stroke today. Her prognosis is very poor. Please pray for her and for her remarkable family (who are in Sandy's path).

Typology with Mary Poppins?

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From Regnum Novum on the appalling mess that is the State of California:

We may be tempted to conclude that all of these folks, the union boss, the career politician are just congenital heels, incapable of thinking beyond themselves. To that I would just remind us that A) there but for the grace of God go I, and B) in this culture of ours sin is a stern and imposing mistress.

(besides "are you eating something? are you going to share it with me? are you going to drop something to eat on the floor? are you going to walk by the treat jar?")

Monsignor Pope on the mysteries of pets and the new creation:

Perhaps the mystery of our pets is that they are ambassadors for the rest of creation, a kind of early delegation set by God to prepare the way and the connections of the new and restored creation. Perhaps they are urging us on in our task to make the number of the elect complete so that all creation can sooner receive its renewal and be restored to the glory and harmony it once had. Who knows? But I see a kind of urgency in the pets I have had. They are filled with joy, enthusiasm and expectation of something great....
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that need altering."

--Dr Who


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Lots and lots of linkage!

Gave the heave-ho to V1 rockets as a “doodlebug nudger”.

Via suburban banshee, who adds,

I’d never heard of this, but of course my dad had. What they did was fly up to the V1, flip it up and over by nudging the V1′s wings with their wingtip, and thus screw up the V1′s gyroscopic guidance. The doodlebug nudger would fly away, and the V1 would fly right into the ground.

MamaT's on the air again...

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over at the Summa Mamas.

(A side note — any advice on stylin’ in MT4 would be much appreciated. The Summas and we are using the same template, and I need help before I start leaving the wrong comments on the wrong blog….)

Resolution Linkapalooza!

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Kathy is hosting a New Year’s Resolutions Linky Party, and I’m up for a party, even though I’m not really big into New Year’s resolutions.

Part of it’s past failure, I suppose, but I think that’s because for me, New Year’s just isn’t a natural time to make grand resolutions. I also don’t seem to have the attention span for them — I’ll make a list and promptly forget about it.

I seem to do better with focusing on principles and teeny-weeny goals. For example, the principle of the undefined amount of time might be “finishing what I start” and the teeny-weeny goal might be “always putting the keys on the hook.”

So for purposes of this Linky Party, I’m going to focus on the principle of Being Ready. Teeny-weeny goals will include tasks like stocking the freezer, keeping the kitchen clean, keeping up with the laundry, and tidying the spare room.

But which mini-goal to work on first? And how long should I focus on Being Ready? For these and all other resolution-related questions, I turned to technology:

I “pulled a saint” using Jennifer Fulwiler’s new Patron Saint Generator. And I’m honored to report that I was chosen by none other than…

Our Lady of Guadalupe!

OLG face.jpg

Many of the commenters chez Anchoress noticed immediate links between themselves and their 2011 patrons. For myself, I’m not seeing anything obvious (or *did *I pray for an increase in devotion to Mary?) I’ll just wait for further instructions.

So: Resolution #1: Be Ready!

Resolution #2: Ask Our Lady of Guadalupe about everything else.

And thy ears shall hear the word of one admonishing thee behind thy back: This is the way, walk ye in it: and go not aside neither to the right hand, nor to the left. — Isaiah 30:21

“Am I not here, who am your Mother? Are you not under my protection? ….Are you not happily within my fold?” The Great Mother of God, Mary most Holy, to Juan Diego

I share Mrs Brady's low opinion of powdered creamer and Styrofoam cups (though I never did take the step of going to the Goodwill; our parish doesn't really have the storage space for china cups.)

We are Catholic and we are American. You will be in our prayers and we promise to pray for you as you serve us. Our nation is struggling financially, yet we still have hope that things will get better. Yet, we believe that the nation's recovery should not come at the cost of the principles that have made our nation strong. While the economy is extremely important, we can not abandon the ideas that define us as a nation and expect to be a great society.

With that being said, we have quite a bit to ask of you.
Our hope is you will consider our words carefully...

Read the whole thing. Add your signature if you agree.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
