Just posted on Feminine Geniuses: Link to the Mean Girls in the Nursing Home article, plus new demotivator
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“Motherhood is woman's crowning glory,” said Sister Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, OP, “whether it is physical, spiritual, or both.”
Sr. Joseph Andrew is the vocations director for the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Despite her calling to the celibate life, she sees her vocation, and the vocations of other religious sisters, as truly motherly.“It is through the consecration of my vows that all the spaces inside my heart are available and ready to be filled with the sons and daughters God sends me.”
The “spaces” refer to what Blessed John Paul II called the “feminine genius” in which a woman “carries a space inside her for the other.” This, according to Sr. Joseph Andrew, is woman's greatest gift.
...only for Mother Assumpta Long: I actually watched Oprah today. I blogged about it over at Feminine Geniuses. (Hint: Did you know nuns DON'T HAVE SEX??!!)