Federal Judge: “Let the starvation commence on schedule…”

“…’cause it’s ain’t my jurisdiction. And no more wasting time seeing if she can eat by mouth, anyway.” What if the Schindlers (Terri’s parents) had argued that depriving Terri of rehabilitation was depriving therapists of work, and therefore depriving Florida of tax revenue based on their income oh, crumb, not even that would have worked… Continue reading Federal Judge: “Let the starvation commence on schedule…”

KTC interviews Peony

1) Did you have a good Catholic formation as a child? I was taught a few bedtime prayers, taken to Mass every Sunday, and occasionally carted off by my mother (never my father) to Confession or parish devotions. Our family had a crucifix in each bedroom, and said Grace Before Meals (though only at dinner,… Continue reading KTC interviews Peony

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