“…’cause it’s ain’t my jurisdiction. And no more wasting time seeing if she can eat by mouth, anyway.” What if the Schindlers (Terri’s parents) had argued that depriving Terri of rehabilitation was depriving therapists of work, and therefore depriving Florida of tax revenue based on their income oh, crumb, not even that would have worked… Continue reading Federal Judge: “Let the starvation commence on schedule…”
I Thought I Would Like “30”, But I Do Not
I spent all of my twenties waiting to finally feel like a grown up. I figured when I was thirty I would, but I don’t, just feel like an old kid. Throughout my twenties, my husband and I were the only ones I knew married with children, so I missed out on that “valuable” carefree… Continue reading I Thought I Would Like “30”, But I Do Not
Pictures From Sunday’s High Mass
My father is the tall deacon reading the Gospel.
Regents approve changes to tests
Albany — Board delays raising the passing grade on required exams for two years, will modify controversial math test; education chief says moves aimed at helping students succeed Why do they bother having education standards at all if what happens is the rich kids cannot make the grade, complain and the standards are reduced? Everytime… Continue reading Regents approve changes to tests
KTC interviews Peony
1) Did you have a good Catholic formation as a child? I was taught a few bedtime prayers, taken to Mass every Sunday, and occasionally carted off by my mother (never my father) to Confession or parish devotions. Our family had a crucifix in each bedroom, and said Grace Before Meals (though only at dinner,… Continue reading KTC interviews Peony
A Lesson To Little Girls Who Do Not Take Care of Their Dolls
About four years ago, we purchased Rosey Posey a My Twinn doll. For a few years each birthday and Christmas, Rosey Posey and Mini Rosey Posey would receive a matching outfit complete with shoes and so on. I am wondering if the doll was more of a choice for Mom than Rosey Posey because more… Continue reading A Lesson To Little Girls Who Do Not Take Care of Their Dolls
I Have The Worst Kids in the World
I was wondering this morning if all parents think their children do the most horrible things that other people’s children do not do. For example, my four year old is always trying to escape-except of course when I tell him to go outside and play. Do other people’s children escape or is it only mine?… Continue reading I Have The Worst Kids in the World
Two good posts from T.S. O’Rama
Weighted bats: Amy Welborn has often asked this interesting question: Why, if the American Church was so healthy prior to Vatican II, did it succumb so easily to the zeitgeist of the 60s and 70s? …I like to think that the Church post-Vatican II is neither as bad as advertised nor the Church prior to… Continue reading Two good posts from T.S. O’Rama