Peony, Veggie Tales Rocks! I


Peony, Veggie Tales Rocks!
I love Veggie Tales. I often find myself asking the kids if we could watch it because it just cracks me up! I was skeptical at first, I mean vegetables talking about God, yeah-alrighty then. But they are hilarious. Trust me, you will like them. I recommend "King George and The Ducky" for starters.

I was the peach, I know, because of the hair...

We had a lazy daisy Saturday. We purchased a new high chair. We used to have a booster seat, but we ran out of space at our little table (we plan to purchased a bigger and better dining room set within a year). We bought a pretty wooden high chair. Polo tried it out by sitting Gorbulas in it and right away he started to giggle. Polo asked, "do you like that?" and he nodded his head "yes".

We then went to the Chinese Buffet which is a near occasion of overindulgence for me. I try to fill my plate up with veggies, but my kids eat soooo slow, and I find myself refilling while they eat and talk.

My husband finally got a course catalog for the school he was looking into today. He plans on returning in fall for computer graphics and advertising. I am very excited for him.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
