No Spin Zone I have


No Spin Zone
I have been reading the Bill O'Reilly book because I like his show. But when you read his book and dig a bit deeper into his perspective, he is pretty "liberal". He is a pro-contraceptive Catholic and he had the nerve to say Dr. Laura's attiutude that a parent should stay home with their children is "extreme". *Gasp!* How dare he! So I threw the book over the bed into the pile of books I stopped reading because someone said something in them that ticked me off. Gosh I am so "tolerant" aren't I?

In the meantime Bill O'Reilly had me grumbling while I was brushing my teeth and set off a Pansy Moss rant. I am not sure if any of the TSM readers have noticed my "spin" on things, but here it is:
-pro having a parent stay home with the children when it is possible

These are all major pet peeves of mine and I think they are all the same issue. Children are a gift from God, they are sacramentals and they are blessings not only to the parents but to society as a whole. We do not have the right to tell God when to send His souls, we do not have the right to reject them, we certainly do not have the right to have them ripped up into pieces out of inconvenience.

We have the responsibility to form His souls-to care for their physical and emotional needs. I think in modern America we emphasize physical needs to the point of excluding children's emotional ones. In the blink of an eye they are going to be grown-ups. When they are gone how are we going to answer the following questions:
-What kind of adults have we formed?
-Did I make the most of the time I had with them?
-Did I pass my values on to them, or did I allow someone else's values to fill up their time?

It is ridiculous to me that parents complain how inconvenient children are, inconvenient it is to give them life, inconvenient it is financially to be home with them to the degree that we see in this country. Children aren't supposed to be convenient. Who ever said that? They are supposed to turn your world upside down and change you into responsible person who puts others needs over their own. They are supposed to consume your time! What is a more worthwhile way to spend time then forming souls?

Sorry for the rant. Sometimes I am so frustrated when Fastolph locks me out of the house. Mostly I am so grateful and blessed to be a Mommy and all that emotion just spills over, I have to yell at someone how happy I am. And Fastolph locking me out makes for a good laugh with my husband at the end of the day. I hope I have a ton of these stories when I am old. I do not understand why people are so h__l bent in trying to convince others that happiness in parenthood is a figment of the imagination. It is not.

Yet she shall be saved through child bearing; if she continue in faith and love and sanctification with sobriety.

1 Timothy 2:15

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
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Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
