Check-up I have been just


I have been just as Sleepy as Peony lately. My diet last week was atrocious due to my street running. Maybe that is it.

I have been learning to sew and am enjoying it immensely. I have made a bunch of dresses for my daughter that are adorable. She even has the same sandals as this girl (I made the long version). This is purely coincidental. The other dress I made is the dress in pattern number 5711. I just love icking out fabric and customising it with pretty buttons. This is really a lot of fun.

Yesterday, the children all had check-ups. Everyone checked out with a good bill of health. The two youngest had a touch of asthma, but that is nothing new. Gorbulas also had his first shots (HiB and Prevnar). I am undecided with the vaccine issue, but we decided for those vaxes because of his asthma and as far as the inserts, they contain no human diploid cells in the list of ingredients.

The part of the appointment that made me a bit squeamish is the doctor decided to have a "changes your body is going through" talk with my daughter. I have only recently read Talk One in Mother's Little Helper, so the timing threw me off balance.

I wondered if our Catholicism came through when the doctor asked my daughter about a "uterus" and she stated she did not know what that was. I said "a womb" and then she nodded "oh, yes, I know". Considering the fact I was unprepared and the lack of theology, it went well. I wonder why the doctor decided to have this talk though. I cannot remember going through that in any check-ups as a little girl, that was left to the families.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
