Peony, I too just read


Peony, I too just read Katheryn's post today...
I was going to blog on it, but wanted to get my thoughts together.

I think I commented in the box that one thing our contraceptive/secular culture does not understand is that children belong to God and they are sacramentals. While we may not think we are prepared to be parents, God sends us what we need to raise His children. It's almost like before we become parents, we are not ready to be parents until we officially become a parent. So in a way, it's like the question "am I ready to be a mother?" is almost redundant.

Another thing the author of the article does not realise is parenting is not just about "me." Children are not just a blessing to the couple, but to society. This is one of the reasons why parents have a responsibility to put so much energy into child rearing, and not just what you can to get by. We have a responsibility to try the best we can to raise productive adults.

Lastly, a marriage that is not truly open to life is doomed to failure. I really believe that. If you do not cooperate with God in something that is as difficult as living with a man (just kidding-or better yet, living with woman), it will not work. You have to cooperate with God in His Creation.

I actually have a very hard time relating to the author of the article. Peony mentions:

The author (who is only 27)
I have been Mom for ten years now (since 20) and I have always wanted to be a Mommy since I can remember. I know I make the mistake in thinking most women think like I do. While I am willing to acknowledge that may not be true, I can say I do not understand women who do not want to be mothers. In all fairness, I cannot understand women who have dreams to be boxers or any other vocations I have not been called to. Anyway, I was a bit hesitant to reply to the article because I did not want to come off too opinionated.

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