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Slow blogging from me ahead, until my wits return or my household gets brought to order, whichever comes first.

I am order-challenged, mostly because I am a little too fond of procrastination. I have been trying to get organized and stay that way. So far, the front hall, living room, and family room are all conquered territory, though the price of victory is eternal vigilance. My husband laughs at me for relentlessly working to keep the toys picked up in the family room, but I figure it's easier to clean up little messes than big ones, and easier to identify and find missing parts right away -- like that stupid triangle striker, for example. I ended up begging First Act for a replacement, which they very kindly sent at no charge. It arrived on Wednesday, and on Saturday morning I discovered it was missing again! It was really disgraceful how frustrated I got over this. I am happy to report I found it that afternoon (under a bed) and immediately attached it to the triangle using ribbon and clear nail polish. Enough is enough.

The kitchen is largely under control except for this one little corner that is rapidly accumulating clutter (books, coupons, and clippings.)

Next project: getting Hambet's outgrown toys and clothes packed away.

This whole project has gained some urgency -- this week I found out my mom is coming to visit next month! So of course I want to have the place in tip-top shape, even though I know she's going to be leaving her white gloves at home.


I've been implementing Sandra Felton's method from her Messies' Manual series. This is about the fourth time since 1982 that I've tried to implemented it; however, this time it has been sticking (due in part to my recent infamous "fiat", I'm sure--drastic obedience must've warmed God's heart and induced Him to lavish me with drastic amounts of grace).

I did manage to get the boxes in my basement sorted and the Christmas stuff organized, boxed, and put recognizably in one central section!

That's a good start!

I'm still praying for the return of the original triangle striker! Now I can't rest till it's found! :-o

I have a big youth meeting for my husband's church coming up this Friday night--I know he'll have us all on our knees, attacking the standard tract carpeting with scrub brushes! Vacuuming and/or quick steam cleaning WILL NOT DO!

[BTW, whose brilliant idea was it to install the same hopeless pale beige carpeting in every suburban house? I remember in my first apartment (1981) I had a marvelous carpet: taupe with a NAP! That means it always looked right with two tones, so YOU COULDN'T DETECT AVERAGE WATER AND TRAFFIC STAINS!

[Not that I endorse filth, but a carpet like that would sure make my life easier right about now. And it was as neutral and attractive as any light beige! Much more so, because you couldn't see every tiny spot (and with 5 kids, a dog, a husband, and his 21-year-old cousin, there are not a few "tiny spots")].


Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
