Oops-This is not good...

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72% Snob

Good job Pansy, you're safely out of super-snob territory. But watch yourself-a couple more sun drid tomatoes here and a few more trips to Dean & Deluca there and you might be veering dangerously towards the stuck-up. Best go touch some grubby sick people to keep your inner snob at bay.

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It's touch and go, alicia - you're 63% snob. You're a long way off joining the ranks of the blini-nibbling, bubbly-sipping, double-barreled brigade, but then you're no champion of the proletariat either. If you haven't got a Volvo, Golden... Read More


It seems I'm with you, Dahling Pansy. I say, I only scored 70% snob here. How droll. I'm sure 'twas the Wal-Mart answer that did it. Haha. Pippip. Cheerio and all that business.

I'm in good company then!

But I lied about the shoe question because I did not judge someone by their shoes in the last ten minutes-although I have...

thankye kindly!

43% snob here. Because I talk to the bag boy at Tom Thumb. And I even have a favorite checker!

You all are pikers. I am 100% snob, and don't need some mass-produced test to tell me so. Sniff.

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