I'm Home

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I'm kinda bummed because I had such a nice time. Peony is even more lovely in person on the inside and out than she is on the Internet-although it is hard to tell what she looks like on the outside on the Internet because she types and you never get to see her. But she is quite pretty.

Lunch on Monday was so much fun. I get so lonely in real life, so it has been a long time since I did the normal Mommy get together. It was also nice to meet Davey's parents (and Davey) and KTC. It was neat to take all these great people out of the pseudo-fanatsy world of the Internet and know normal people do exist in real life. Also, Peony fed us quite well, and I had to use restraint to stop stuffing my face.

I cannot add too much to Peony's description. Gorbulas was quite out of sorts. I had hoped to be able to show off my adorable youngest, but he was mostly a disagreeable two-year old. I do not blame him. While adults like vacations, time-off, chsnges of scenary, toddlers thrive on routine and consistency. I do not think he understood in the least that staying at my father's apartment was a vacation and not a permanent life change. While I was bummed to come home yesterday, he just blossomed and was happy as a clam.


It would only be fair to note that Pansy is even prettier in person than she is in her pictures. We did get to see Gorbulas's enchanting impish grin.

Hambet was hardly a model of deportment, especially when he and Gorbulas got to quarrelling over the spaceship toy or the bell mallet. But once we took those apples of discord away, they got along just fine, especially when they got to throw foam blocks at each other.

I thought Pansy was prettier than her pictures too, and they are pretty pictures :)

It's strange to be included in a group demonstrating that "normal people" exist.

What really hurts is that this was when we were planning on going to DC, before the paper decided that it was not sending anyone to the conference. Grump.

Gorbulas is as cute as a button; he flirts and charms as he wrenches the toy away and runs off with it!

Hambet is quite the articulate and well-bred tot; when Mommy tells him to share, he promptly replies, "No, thank you!"

It was truly a "Clash of the Titans"--till Davey showed up--or was that when Honk Daddy showed up--then they all got on famously!

I do wonder what Amalia would have added to the mix!

That bell mallet WAS cool. I was tempted to snatch it from both of them!

It reminded me of something I bought at Woolworth's when I was about 8--it was red, white, and blue metal. Somehow you squeezed the handle, and the top circle, painted with a spiral, rotated and made sparks against a flint core.

It was way cool!

I think my mom threw it away prematurely--my craving to play with Hambet's bell mallet was alarmingly strong!

It would have been a riot with Erik and Amalia there -- I suspect Amalia would have given all those little boys a run for their money.

The bell mallet I was referring to was the one at the JP2CC -- they have these bells set up for the little ones to play but only one bell mallet, and so even though there was another cool set of bells right there, played with bell-ropes, Hambet and Gorbulas were quarreling over the bell mallet and would not be distracted until we distracted them by force (dragging them to the toddler corral.)

I like to think that this sort of behavior is a harbinger of future "TAKE-CHARGE!" leadership of a positive sort!

Once in one of my darkest hours I got a call from my oldest's (a GIRL) preschool teacher: apparently at some point during the day she had punched every kid in the class!

Peony is pretty? I knew it. I just knew it.

Yes she is quite lovely. You would never know it because all the pictures she sent were ones with Hambet stuck in front of her face or ones of the Two Fat Ladies.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
