More work to do

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Given my lousy track record, I should probably stay off this issue. But here I go.

Mark Shea links to this action item from K.Lo at The Corner:

Senator Arlen Specter cannot become the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee. You can go here to email Bill Frist, the Senate Majority Leader.

Shea gives this sample letter:

Dear Senator Frist,

After a long and contentious fight to retain the White House and expand our majority in both houses of Congress, I am extremely dismayed by comments made by Senator Specter regarding the President's right to choose his own candidates for the nation's judiciary. After several years of stonewalling on the part of Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee, it is incredibly distressing to see a member of the Republican party attempting to block excellent and qualified judges from the bench because of their conservative ideology.

I am a partisan. I will continue to work for our party's success because I believe that we embody the principles that are best for the nation. But make no mistake, conservative members of the Republican party will not continue to support the GOP if a very small minority of our Senators refuse to give a fair hearing to judges who agree with the party platform.

The last election should be a wakeup call to party leadership. The single most important issue to voters was "moral values". The party did a masterful job of getting Evangelical and other Conservative voters to the polls - voters who stayed home in 2000 - largely because of the moral issues facing the nation. It would be disastrous for the party and country if these voters felt betrayed and did not return to the polls in 2006 and 2008.

Renegade judges have been legislating from the bench for decades and have recently accelerated a dangerous experiment in social engineering - whether by redefining marriage, tinkering with the Pledge of Allegiance, or ruling against late term abortion restrictions. The American people recognize this judicial tyranny for what it is, and we look to you and other members of the Senate to put a stop to it.

Senator Specter and Democrats in the Senate say that the President should not nominate candidates with a conservative ideology because they are "outside the mainstream". If that is the case, most of the country must be outside of the mainstream. The vast majority of Americans support some limits on abortion, and clearly Tuesday's results in the states voting on Marriage Amendment should prove that this country will not accept gay marriage as a government supported institution.

In light of all of this, I am writing to you to urge you to take action to remove Senator Specter from the Judiciary Committee. The idea that this man, who won a tough primary fight only with the help of the White House, could be the next Chair of the Judiciary Committee is truly frightening. Please take steps to ensure that he does not aid liberals in continuing to block the President's agenda.

I understand that this move could lead to Mr. Specter defecting to the other side. In reality Senator, he made that defection long ago. Please do what is right and help President Bush and the majority of the American people in seating solid judges, without forcing them to pass a liberal litmus test. As our majority leader, we are counting on you.

Call Senator Frist:
DC office number is 202-224-3344 (fax is 202-228-1264)
Nashville office number is 615-352-9411
Majority Leader office number is 202-224-3135

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Stop Arlen Specter! from Fides, Spes, Caritas on November 6, 2004 3:13 AM

I'm asking everyone who reads my blog to do everything they can to stand up for the dignity of human life in this country. With a pro-life President in the White House, with a pro-life Senate and House of Representatives, and with a moral mandate fro... Read More


Sent off my missive. However, I strongly suggest that people not use the form letter. Form letters are too easily ignored and deleted, particularly when they are longwinded like this one.

Make it short, on-point, polite, and in your own words. Two minutes of brainwork is worth the greater chance that your note will be considered.

Is there an email that we can send this too?

elsewhere i've read that e-mails are easily deleted but every phone call gets a response.

Please check out what was actually said before jumping off to do this. I am not a fan of Specter, but I think that what he actually said was more a reflection of what would probably happen than a threat to take said actions.
I will try to find the references. My concern is that the MSM and the ultra-left is trying to get us all worked up and distracted so that they can pursue their other agendas.

Alicia, I certainly hope your reading is right, but I'm not hopeful. Specter's a politician. He's not going to come right out and say "Don't you dare send me any prolife candidates for judgeships, Mr. President. I'll Bork them so fast your head'll swim." A politician will couch his threats in "reflections."

Comparing his record to the prospect of his chairing the Senate Judiciary Committee is reason enough to pummel the Senate Republicans with calls and emails, no matter how he crafted his rhetoric.

I sent mine in.

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