Small Smiles for the Day

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Over at CAEI, Mark Shea links to an essay about whether or not CS Lewis went to heaven. I have nothing to add to the discussion. Although it sounds ignorant of me to state, I have very little concept of Protestant theology. I never understood the meaning of the term "saved" and the practical usage of it. If someone is "saved" does that mean they know they are going to heaven, or is it simply a term describing someone who now practices their Christian faith? I don't know, I never got it, nor came into contact with the term besides people on TV until I was well into my adult life. Not that I am trying to diss anyone's faith traditions, it's just not a culture I am that familiar with. Heaven is something I think I must achieve and lose about 50 times a day, hence the need for confession and to start this struggle over and any other discipline, so the concept of one blanket statement such as that confuses me.

Likewise, the concept of trying to figure out who is or isn't going to heaven creeps me out. To me it has always been one of those Catholic no-nos. Only God can make that judgment. To me it is a waste of spiritual energy. For me, I can fool myself by thinking I have my mind in the right place with thoughts of Godly things by wondering who the people are I want to emulate because they must or must not be in Heaven. Especially the ones who seem great but stumbled on the silliest stumbling blocks, but it is a distraction. If I am concentrating so much on this nonsense, I am not addressing what truly needs to be addressed, and what will trip me up in the end-that I am lazy spending too much time on the computer today or I need to be more charitable and gossip less, or less materialistic this holiday season and more focused on prayer.

Anywho, I just wanted to share a cute story about CS Lewis and Tolkein shared ,in the combox by godescalc:

(True story: Lewis & Tolkein, walking down the road in Oxford, happened upon a beggar, who made supplication to them along the lines of "gizza bit of change, guv". Lewis responded by taking all the coinage he had in his pocket and dumping it in the guy's hand.

They walked on, and Tolkein spake, saying, "You shouldn't have done that, he'll spend it all on drink." To which Lewis replied, "Yes, but if I'd kept the money, I'd have spent it all on drink myself.")

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