your worst present EVAR?

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For some strange reason, Pansy thinks that maybe 25 DVDs were not the perfect present for Gordon Brown. Obviously she has forgotten that we are in an ECONOMIC CRISIS, and that maybe, just maybe, the President is showing LEADERSHIP by not spending taxpayer dollars on some some frivolous trinket, but instead saving money and at the same time giving something meaningful... meaningful because he already owned it. (A mean-spirited Rethuglican cynic might describe it as regifting the CDs.)

Of course, there's the little matter of whether the Region 1 DVDs will play on Mr Brown's Region 2 DVD player.... or how much Mr Brown will be able to enjoy the movies given his poor vision.... but those are small matters, and they're just state presents anyway, right?

So: What's the worst present you ever received?

In the well-meaning but poorly thought out category, I'd have to put a gift card from Victoria's Secret (a joint gift from a couple of friends.) It was a nice thought, but Victoria's Secret doesn't make any kind of clothing for people like me. I ended up using the card for five bottles of lingerie wash.

In the you-got-this-on-autopilot-didn't-you-category: When I was growing up, I received a manicure set from my aunt and uncle for Christmas.

I received another one from them the next Christmas.

And the Christmas after that.

And the Christmas after that.

And, come to think of it, the year after that.

My two sisters also got manicure sets of their very own every Christmas for several years running.

Only my youngest sister wore nail polish at that time.



As a person who is "all about" DVD Region Codes, I want to say that I really appreciate your sensitivity on this issue.


Ned "DVD Region Code Enthusiast" Merrill

One year my grandmother gave my mother dishtowels. She is also big on regifting.My FIL made a habit of getting me abstract kitchen items, like three non-stick saute pans one year, one of those electric sandwich press things another. As if to say "Well, I know you're into that 'family' stuff..." The year he gave me the saute pans, he gave a present to Dominic addressed to "Andrew". When we asked who Andrew was said "isn't that one of your kids?"

Only a few years ago, VS had stuff for people like us. For years my dh would buy me a present at VS for Christmas-like flannel pajamas or body lotion. Now everything there is so trashy.

Cosmetic items, lingerie, kitchen items are all very personal and they are the types of things you don't get unless someone displayed an interest.

I think the "Andrew" thing takes the cake, the plate, the ice cream, the fork, and all the candles.

Dang, even the ice cream!

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