The Christian Life: December 2003 Archives


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This is my usual mumbling over some issue and then trying to find a nice spot for sitting on the fence. Bobbi asks, in our comments box and on her own fine blog, how we handle the Santa question:

How do you allow them to use their imagination and enjoy make-believe stories and still let them know the difference between what's real (God taking the form of a baby and angels announcing his birth to humans on earth) and what's not (elves making toys in the north pole)?

And how I wish I had an answer! I am still mulling over how to handle Santa, and I wish my husband and I were in more harmony on this issue.

The two biggest objections to Santa seem to be that Santa tends to crowd out the Christ Child and that playing Santa involves lying to children.

At first I did not share these objections. My parents did Santa when I was growing up, and I always knew Who Christmas is really about. When I figured out that Santa wasn't real (by realizing his handwriting looked an awful lot like my mother's) I don't remember feeling especially traumatized by the discovery -- could it really be that big a deal?

But now I'm not so sure. I may have known Who Christmas is really about when I was a child, but there's a difference between knowing with the intellect and knowing with the heart. I've blogged before about the punchcard approach to the faith -- you go to Mass, sing a few perfunctory songs, and then rush home for the real part of Christmas: the presents. Perhaps too much emphasis on Santa (or on Papa Noel or whoever else brings the gifts) could so occupy a young child's hopes and emotions that there's not much energy left for the Christ Child. Little children learn by seeing and doing, and if 90% of what they see and do in the weeks before Christmas is Santa, Santa, Santa..... Even when they leave belief in Santa behind, will all they retain be presents, presents, presents?

As for discovering that Santa Isn't Real: Bobbi and La Famiglia Cacciaguida point out that if a parent first teaches a child that Santa is real, only to backpedal and say, no, Santa is make-belive, what is that going to do to the child's belief in other things that may seem make-believe but are actually real? Things like angels and the Real Presence? Especially when children might start figuring Santa out about the same time they are making their First Communions?

I have also talked to adults who do remember being disturbed to find out that Santa wasn't real -- and to adults whose preschool children are frightened by the idea of some man entering their house when everyone's asleep (perhaps it gets too close to fears of burglars and other intruders?)

Yet I am not ready to go No Santa Anytime Anywhere. Santa is everywhere, and I don't think it's fair to ask little Christian children to go around with their hands over their eyes, telling their little friends that We Don't Do Santa Because Santa is Evil. I don't like turning Christianity into the Religion of No -- we are not Puritans or Jehovah's Witnesses. Besides, everyone else in my family does Santa and I don't want to come off as attacking them (they already think I'm a religious fanatic) or unnecessarily exclude Hambet from the fun.

Plus, my husband is not ready to give up on Santa! I think part of the reason parents do Santa is that it gives them a chance to have a little fun, to play with -- and be generous to -- children.

I think I would like to take the approach of Santa Lite: allow Hambet to shake Santa's hand, learn the stories about Santa, and so on, but always with the knowledge that Santa is just a Really Fun Pretend. Perhaps we could also skip the trip to tell Santa about what we want for Christmas. Meanwhile, we will work on making a Nice Soft Bed for Baby Jesus (a friend of mine did this, and her preschool boys loved it! She does have a dedicated Baby Jesus, so that helped her avoid the problem Sparki ran into.)

As long as we're talking about Fun Pretends, I am pro-Tooth Fairy and detest the Easter Bunny. If we get the fun but non-pretend St Nicholas involved, it will be for oranges and chocolate coins in the shoes on his own feast day, and for his intercession. And I will not get into the "be good, Santa is watching you" thing at all. It's just too weird, and cruel for the littlest ones.

"Hour of Grace" (today 12 noon-1 PM)

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I got this from a list I am on. Thank you Karen.

"This will be My Hour of Grace"

During the period of November 24, 1946 to December 8, 1947, Our Blessed
Mother appeared to Sister Pierrina in a little church in Montichiari, Italy,
eleven times.

On the first appearance Our Blessed Mother told Sister Pierrina that She
wanted to be known as the 'Mystical Rose' and that an Hour of Grace should
be kept at noon on December 8th in all the Catholic Churches of the world.
Our Blessed Mother wanted this to be known through all of Italy and the
entire world.

It was November 16, 1947 when Sister Pierrina was finishing her thanksgiving
after Holy Communion when she saw a great light. She then saw a vision of
Our Blessed Mother as the 'Mystical Rose.'

Sister was so deeply moved by the stunning beauty of Our Lady that she began
talking to Her. All of a sudden a gentle force made her kneel down in front
of Our Lady.

Our Blessed Mother spoke these words

"My Son is greatly offended by the sins of impurity. He is already planning
to send the deluge upon the people, for their destruction, but I have asked
him to show mercy and not send the destruction. So that is why I have
appeared to ask for penance and atonement for the sins of impurity."

Then Our Blessed Mother asked for an Act of Humility by Sister Pierrina. She
asked her to make the sign of the cross with her tongue on each of the
stones in the Sanctuary.

"This shall be a reminder to the people that I have appeared here and do not
have the people step on those stones."

Our Blessed Mother then stepped on each of the stones so that Her gown
touched all four stones.

On the 22nd of November, Sister Pierrina felt the overwhelming urge to go to
Church at 4:00. The Mother Superior, four Sisters and a group of friends
accompanied her. They were all saying the Rosary when Our Blessed Mother
appeared as before. She instructed Sister Pierrina to make the Sign of the
Cross on the stones and fence them off so that no one would step on them.

Again Our Lady asked for penance. She said "Penance is nothing more than
accepting all your crosses daily and willingly. No matter how small, accept
them with love".

At this time, she told sister Pierrina to come again on December 8th at

"This will be My Hour of Grace."

The Sister asked how she was to prepare for this Hour of Grace? To which the
Blessed Mother said

"With Prayers and Penance. Pray the 50th Psalm (Miserere) with outstretched arms
times. During the Hour of Grace, many spiritual graces will be granted. The
most hard-hearted sinners will be touched by the grace of God."

The Blessed Virgin promised that whatever a person asked Her for during this
Hour of Grace (even in impossible cases) would be granted to them, if it was
in accordance with the Will of the Eternal Father.

It was December 7th when Sister Pierrina felt the urge to go to Church. This
time she was accompanied by the Priest and the Mother Superior. Our Blessed
Mother appeared with a young boy and girl dressed in beautiful white
clothing. Sister Pierrina was sure these little ones were angels because
they were so beautiful.

Our Blessed Mother said "Tomorrow I will show you My Immaculate Heart which
is so little known among the people."

She asked people to pray for Russia. "There are so many people being held
prisoners which their families know nothing of because they have been gone for
so many years. Pray for the
conversion of Russia, the suffering of the soldiers and their sacrifices and
martyrdom will bring peace to Italy. The little children are Francisco and
Jacinta. I am giving them to you as your companions. You will have much to
suffer for My sake. I want simplicity and goodness from you as of these
little children."

Our Blessed Mother then blessed Sister Pierrina, the Priest and all those
who were gathered there.

On the morning of December 8th people began arriving at the little Church at
8:00 in the morning from neighboring towns. By noon, some 10,000 people had
gathered to see Our Blessed Mother, many of whom had to stand outside
because the Church did not have enough room for the large crowd. Sister
Pierrina was accompanied to Church by her Mother and Brothers, the Mother
Superior and the Chief of Police from Montichiari. Sister was reciting the
Rosary with the crowd in the middle of the Church. Suddenly a brilliant
white light appeared from the ceiling. Stairs were coming from the light
down to the floor of the Church about fifteen feet in length. The staircase
was beautifully decorated with red, white and yellow roses. The Blessed
Virgin appeared so radiant, dressed in white, with Her Hands folded. She was
standing on a splendid carpet at the top of the stairs made of the red,
white and yellow roses.

In the most gentle and loving voice, Our Lady smiled and began to speak.

"I am the Immaculate Conception, the Mother of all Graces and the Mother of
my Beloved Son, Jesus.

I wish to be known as The Mystical Rose. My wish is that every year on the
8th of December at noon an 'Hour of Grace' will be installed. Many spiritual
Graces and physical blessings will be received by those who pray undisturbed
during this hour."

Then slowly she began to ascend the staircase gracefully scattering roses as
She went along until She reached midway of the staircase.

Here again Our Blessed Mother spoke

"I am very happy to see this great demonstration of Faith." Sister Pierrina
asked for many of the sinners to be forgiven.

Our Blessed Mother replied

"My Divine Son will show His Greatest Mercy as much as the people will pray
for them. I want this to be known and told to Pope Pius XII. Tell him I want
him to install the 'Hour of Grace' throughout the whole world and those who
are not able to go to Church during this time, may obtain this Grace in
their homes at noon time."

She also asked that a Statue be made and placed on the spot where She stood.
This should be called the 'Rosa Mystica' and carried in procession through
the town at which time many Graces will be given and cures will take place.

Then the Statue is to be returned to the Church. Our Lady prayed for the
sick, some will be cured others not. Many men, women and children were cured
at that very instant. A twenty-six year old woman who could not say a word
for nine months, suddenly began shouting

"I see Her. I see the Blessed Virgin."

An eighteen year old girl with ulcers was instantly cured.

A five year old boy who had been paralyzed was told by the Blessed Mother
"Come to Me, you will be walking now."

He was placed on the Blessed Stones and was able to walk. There were three
others who were very sick and were immediately cured. But of course, the
greatest miracles taking place were those of the spiritual blessings being
shed upon the people gathered in the Church.

Our Blessed Mother said

"This is the last time I will appear here. Pray, weep and do penance on
these Stones and you will receive the care of My Motherly Heart."

She then left the little Church, but because of the Unending Love of Our
Heavenly Mother, She has given us the 'Hour of Grace' to be spread through
the entire world.

She had given all people the opportunity to demonstrate our love and trust
to Her and to help make reparation for the grievous sins offending Her
Beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Day and time of the Hour of Grace - December 8th Feast of the Immaculate
Conception to begin at 12 noon and to continue until 1 pm (one full hour of

During this hour the person making the 'Hour of Grace' either at home or in the
Church must put away all distractions.

Begin the Hour of Grace by praying three times the Psalm 50 (Miserere) with
outstretched arms.

The remainder of the Hour of Grace may be spent in silent prayer before God
meditating upon the Passion of Jesus, praying the Holy Rosary, praising God.

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
