Parenting and Family Life: March 2004 Archives


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I found the source of the ghost: a Little Golden Book in which the Sesame Street characters put on a play about feelings. To demonstrate "scared", Telly Monster cowers under the bed while other Muppets wear costumes showing scary things like tigers and thunderstorms. Ernie is wearing a ghost costume (the bedsheet with cut out eyes) but his face is covered, so I could see why Hambet didn't realize it was Ernie.

So we had a little chat about how they're just putting on a play, that it was Ernie in the costume and that Telly was just pretending to be frightened, and we have had two nights free of ghosts and monsters.

I am just kicking myself because I know I have to be attentive to what Hambet is seeing, I know little kids don't see things the same way we do, and I still missed this. Oh well, it's not the end of the world, and Hambet doesn't seem to be scarred for life. I have shelved a lot of our potentially scarier home media (most purchased for me before Hambet was born; I love animated movies) and I'll be looking for gentler stories for evenings when we want to cuddle up and see a video together. (I'm thinking Veggies and Winnie-the-Pooh; more suggestions welcome....)

It is interesting that we've been reading this book for months and this only came up now. A friend of mine observed that stories that don't bother her three-year-old son will really affect her five-year-old son, and she thinks it's because her older boy just understands more. And I think the same is true for Hambet. Just in the last three months he's been doing so much more imaginative and pretend play, and it would stand to reason that if he's making up his own stories, he's also taking in more and understanding more of the stories he reads.

Ghosts and now monsters too


This time they showed up at around 1:40 AM, when the parents were too groggy to implement any of the stretegies that sounded so effective in the wakeful daytime.

I think I'll continue with ratcheting the media wayyyyyyyyyyyyy back, and try increasing the cuddle and story time during the day.

An intruder in the house

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Last night my husband and I were slipping off into dreamland when we heard a weird noise. I looked at my husband with that "did you hear that?" look. He'd heard it too, and was sitting up in bed. We listened intently for a moment, and the noise came again. It was kind of a shuffling noise, with a piteous little cry that was starting off soft but was getting louder and louder. And it was coming from Hambet's bed. My dh got up and asked him what was wrong; Hambet tearfully informed us, "There's a ghost under my bed!"

Well, we had the little chat about no-such-thing-as-ghosts; Hambet drifted off to sleep during the chat and was slid, unprotesting, back into his own bed later in the evening. Hambet has told us about monsters before -- in a general way -- but this is the first time we've had any news of ghosts and any supernatural problems at bedtime. So I'll be paying extra attention to where he might be getting this from.

I hope we can get this ghost out of the house soon; I am not interested in getting into chasing ghosts, monsters, and assorted paranormal brethren every night. Maybe I can just squish it like a bug, since it must be very tiny to be able to fit under a junior bed.

Yeah, I'm Shallow

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Yes, postpartem I want to be a superskinny superhottie. Yes, this is something I am slightly insecure and 'noid about. I think everyone was one totally shallow reason in their arsenal about why, if they were not Catholic and didn't have a clue, they would use artificial means to space babies. Mine is that everytime I get down to a shape I like, I get pregnant again. And it is getting harder and harder to return back. I remember leaving the hospital in my old jeans with my first two. Now, groan. With Gorbulas I was in baggy stuff for what seemed forever. My midwife said to give the belly 9 weeks to go down. Yuck, 9 weeks of walking around looking pregnant? I think I was going back to normal clothes by week 3 or 4 because I know I let myself leave the house around then and fit into normal clothes. I also joined Weight Watchers four weeks postpartem. I was so determined.

Not that I mind looking pregnant when I am pregnant. As a matter of fact it is one of the times I feel lovliest. Quite frankly it is really neat to be able to walk around with a bulging belly and feel absolutely perfect. But you cannot totally blame me for being so shallow. You can blame me some, but I'm and odd person, I am a perfectionist in many areas, my favourite show is Spongebob, I teach the kids how to do the hustle for a homeschooling class and quiz them on KC and the Sunshine bad-I guess maybe I am not reasonably well-adjusted.

See, but part of it you can't totally blame me for my shallowidity. Go shopping ladies, go ahead. Walk into an Old Navy. Why are all the jeans cut just under that postpartem belly? Yes, of course I wear a longer shirt over it-yikes I don't want nobody looking at my stretch marks-but the cuts are just perfect for taking that little pocket of belly and making it stick out under your clothes. Um, ick. Hey, I'm starting to have a revelation! I think that these styles were not intended for the average woman who has had a baby! They are intended to attract someone of the opposite sex. Usually, attracting someone of the opposite sex results in a postpartem belly. Then your clothing becomes almost asexual. These days though I cannot complain like I did ten years ago when I had Rosey Posey.That all nursing and maternity clothes are totally unattractive, they have gotten much better. But what I cannot fathom is why many clothes geared towards women of childbearing age very often try to lean towards "sexy" except at the times in your life when "hello", it is obvious you had sex. And no, I am not looking to be a sexy Mama, just an average looking young adult Mama.

Now here is part two why you cannot blame me. Madonna. Sarah Jessica Parker. Now we have celebrities having babies, which is probably who I have to thank that maternity clothes are not limited to shapless dresses with Peter Pan collars. But now we are more unforgiving to women who do not bounce right back. I have seen it. I have been to baby showers of my cousin's daughter and heard family gossip about how heavy my cousin looks at 6 weeks postpartem. Now here we are what is supposed to be a joyful family event, but you have to train to keep gossip of loved ones away. Good grief. Aha, see another reason you cannot blame me for being so incredibly shallow: crazy family who had maybe one kid and watches way too much TV and has very unrealistic expectations of what a real postpartem woman looks like. It's not like the average person is having 4+ kids anymore and my mother and I concur that it's that third or fourth kid that really devastates your body.

I had a small stint when Fastolph was a baby that I was heavier than I should be-a size 10. My grandmother would call me up to say "Oh Pansy, I am making a novena for you so you lose all that weight. I am so worried about you because you are starting to look matronly and you are too young to look matronly." When I sent her a copy of this picture from Posco's First Holy Communion all she said was "You gained weight again? You look so heavy there." Hmmm. "nice picture", "good job on the suit", "Posco looks cute" would have sufficed.

Why are we so unforgiving to women who chose motherhood? I mean in a real world, you would think the slightly more curvaceous figure would be an added sign of femininity, not ugliness. Why has androgyny become more of a symbol of sexuality? I don't know, I am confused now. Everytime I think about the hypocracies of modern society, my head hurts and I need to eat something.

We need more saints who did things like drive backhoes and use tools and work in zoos and fire off cannons. It's always good to have saints, but saints from these occupations would really help me. Hambet is completely uninterested in the sappy preschool religous books that show children frolicking around a meadow having picnics. He likes dinosaurs, hand tools, construction equipment, trains, boats. He wants pictures with action. I would like to bring exclusively religious books to keep him occupied at Mass, but the book that really keeps his attention -- for 20 minutes at a shot! -- is a Richard Scarry book, What do People Do All Day, which has lots of cool diagrams showing how paper is made and how roads get laid and how firefighters fight fires. If I could just find a book that somehow combined heavy machinery with sacred topics, we would be in business.

Hambet does like this book of lift-the-flap Bible stories. The first picture shows the Garden of Eden, with details illustrating the days of creation. One of the flaps shows an erupting volcano. Hambet loves the erupting volcano, and we usually end up discussing that volcano for quite a while when we read this book. Noah's Ark is cool, too, and he's starting to like pictures of the Parting of the Red Sea, and the men who cut the hole in the roof (with a saw!) to bring their friend to Jesus. The men who built their houses on the sand and on the rock are good, too, because there's building involved. I think St Peter might also become a favorite, because he has a boat.

I tried mentioning to Hambet that God made volcanoes, and that piqued his interest, especially when I told him that God made dinosaurs too. He took his stuffed T.Rex and started enumerating all the parts God had made: "God made Rex, and teef, and feet, and claws, and dinosaur's eyes, and his tail...."

Later we were driving in the evening and the sun was setting. Hambet commented that the sun was going to bed ("in his very own bed") so I tried it again: "God made the sun." Hambet seemed interested again, and immediately asked, "Did God make cement mixers?"

I told him that God made Hambet. He seemed doubtful. God's making Mommy didn't seem to impress him either. But when I let him in on the fact that God made Daddy -- now that was something.

I Don't Wanna Tell

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HMS Blog addresses families' unhappy reactions to a new addition to a large-ish family.

I would like to kick off this coversation with a reminder that Gaudium et Spes #50 that tells us that parents have the obligation--in the sight of God--to prayerfully decide what is God's plan for the size of their family. While parents are obliged to take into account the interests of the Church, the other children in the family, and other factors, no one else may interfere in that decision. And no one can ordain themselves to do what the Church herself does not ordain herself to do, specifically, to tell parents when and when not to have another child. We rejoice in every life given to us, and we pray that each of us would be open to God's unique plan for our lives. Period.

My brother who read my blog weighs in that what I need is a more creative way to tell people-like they do on TV.

The only problem is that you didn't tell people in a creative way. They didn't have blogs on "Full House." When Rebecca was pregnant, she told Jesse in a game of Pictionary. So, when you play Pictionary like every family does on Friday nights, you need to tell everyone that you're doing a movie title, and when Jesse guesses, he's gonna say "cheese half-ink a baby." The whole audience will laugh, especially when he shows up to the hospital dressed as Fred Flintstone and needs his apendix removed. Or if you have a bigoted father-in-law named Archie, he could show up to the hospital in black face, but I don't think too many people would appreciate that. Or if your name is Elyse Keaton, you could be stuck in a television station during a snow storm while your husband, Steven, is stuck with the plumber.
Anyways, the moral of the story is that if you want a laugh track, Josh needs to change his name to Jesse Katsopolous, or better yet, Uncle Jesse. I guess you can forget the other stuff, because it obviously isn't as important as the Friday-night games of Pictionary that Michelle loves so much.
This and the episodes of "Family Matters" where Steve Urkel turns into his cool alter-ego, "Stefan," just prove my point that sitcoms teach us a lot about the real world. I'm starting to forget what I was talking about originally, so I'll stop.
Just forget Oreos and eat "Cool J" cookies. ;-)

It has actually been something of a trial trying to figure out when to use "scene" instead of "seen" or "hear" instead of "here". I really thought I was losing my mind. Many people in real life will totally think I have. The Upstate NY Moss's are expecting a new Mossling I am thinking in November sometime.

I haven't told anyone in real life. I am afraid to tell my family, (although one of my brothers might pass by the blog) because I am afraid of the comments. Actually my immediate family will be OK, but the extended family-it will be worse than telling them someone died. I was thinking of simply not telling. My grandmother is literally going to say "oh no, you can't afford this,"

I also have had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I do not feel I like I ever really got into the swing of things after having Gorbulas. My house is never as clean as I like, I am tired, I have been nursing for like five years straight and thought by this summer I would be able to wear a normal one piece dress. I was secretly hoping Gorbulas was my last toddler. No parenting book has given me greater depth into understanding these odd little people who always spill things and make lots of noise, but melt your heart with their mispronunciations and giggles. But God has a sense of humour and come 21 months time, there will be another toddler around.

The flip side there is nothing quite as spiritual as carrying a little baby around inside of you. I do not know if men can relate to this at all, but this one of the most special times in a woman's life. I have been wracking my brain for the past couple of days as to why being pregnant seems to have such a specialness all it's own different from any other stage of motherhood. I cannot come up with many answers except it is the shortest and most fleeting. I have to think on this a little more. This actually the first time I have even admitted this because it seems people pay more attention to the expecting part of parenting than they do children (after you get past the fact that it should have been a perfectly planned situation).

In the meantime, I have little blogging time. I am making pierogies to put in the freezer. As "morning" sickness seems to deepen a bit each day, I want to stock the freezer up with meals that take no effort to cook. We usually end up eating frozen food or out too often at this stage because I cannot stand the site or smell of food, and am so exhausted by the end of the day. I hate doing that because of the expense and lack of good nutritious food for the family. So I am trying to prepare as many healthy meals in advance, maybe an extra meal each day.

I'm Going To Have a Heart Attack

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A State Trooper just left here. Why? Because my four year old, Fastolph was angry at his brother for "ignoring" him and called 911 on him. I made Fastolph come outside and explain why he called 911 and the Police Officer told him "you can only call the police if there is a real emergency there, Buddy."

I think everyone must have that one child, while incredibly cute and charming at times, brings new definition to the term "Handful".

Di Fattura Caslinga: Pansy's Etsy Shop
The Sleepy Mommy Shoppe: Stuff we Like
(Disclaimer: We aren't being compensated to like this stuff.
Any loose change in referral fees goes to the Feed Pansy's Ravenous Teens Fund.)

Pansy and Peony: The Two Sleepy Mommies
